How Do I know When is the Good Time to Replace my Old Windows or Doors?

463 words 2.5 minutes read

4/6/2023 Sophia Xue

How Do I know When is the Good Time to Replace my Old Windows or Doors?

Replacement windows and doors can be expensive. It is not a decision that can be taken lightly. It is important that you first evaluate the conditions of your windows and doors; know your budget constrains and make a list of things that are important to you. 

Here are a few suggestions that might help you decide whether it is time for you to replace your windows, your exterior entrance door, or your back sliding glass patio door: 

  1. Energy efficiency: If your windows or doors are old and drafty, it will likely cost you more to heat or cool your home, as the energy loss can reach up to 25%. Energy efficient replacement windows or doors, particularly those that are energy star certified can help you not only save money, but also making your home greener and more eco-friendly by reducing energy consumption.

  2. Resale Value: If you plan to sell your home, replacing the old windows or doors is a great way to increase your resale value and speed up sales process. It also discretely passes the message to the potential buyers that you as the homeowner have been taking care of the house in general.

  3. Safety: The safety of you and your loved ones should always be the top priority. If your think that your windows and doors are vulnerable to break-ins, replacing them with new, secure ones will certainly help keep you and your loved ones safe and give you peace of mind.

  4. Noise reduction: If you live in a noisy area, consider replace with soundproof windows or door to reduce the amount of outside noise that enters your home.

  5. Comfort: Home is a place of comfort. Poorly insulated house not only increases your energy bill, it is also uncomfortable to live in. If you work from home or spend time at home taking care of your children or elderly, you may want to think about replacing the old windows or doors to improve the comfort level.

  6. Aesthetics: A new and stylish exterior with well-maintained windows and entrance door always brings admiration from passers-by. It reflects the homeowner’s pride towards his/her home.

In general, if your windows or doors are more than 15 years old, it may be time to start thinking about replacing them. However, other factors, such as poor quality, poor installation, damage or extra wear and tear, can also play a role in determining whether replacement is necessary.

Ultimately, the decision to replace windows or doors should be yours to make and it should be based on a combination of factors stated above. From our experience energy saving is usually a major consideration among our customers. If you need someone to discuss about replacing your windows or doors, our specialists at Mystro would be happy to discuss with you.

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